
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Virtual Voki Characters

Voki Avatars provide some humour to websites, because of their computer generated voices. But their gestures appear more lifelike, and in my view, the avatars added a face to the website. They can help to add more life to the site, and ensures the students that they are not alone in their journey, showing a virtual character. They can also be used to read information that is provided on the page, so the student will be more engaged in the work. This can also benefit students who have poor reading skills, while also encouraging them to read along with the Avatar.

What's With WIKIs?

WIKIs allow for creation and editing of a website, allowing members to collaborate together and discuss hobbies and topics. One of the most famous WIKIs is Wikipedia, a free encyclopedia run by the community providing information on thousands of topics. WIKIs aim to involve the visitor in an ongoing process of creation and collaboration that constantly changes the Web site landscape(wikipedia 2009). WIKIs can also help students and teachers communicate, providing each other help and support for problems students may have in the classroom. Teachers and students can use Wikis to collaborate ideas for projects, and teachers can also provide resources for the students to download and study.

Creating a Wiki is very easy, and you can allow whether anyone can edit the content, or members only. To set up a Wiki, just go to a wiki provider like WikiSpaces and sign up. Check out my Wiki

Wikipedia, 2009, Wiki, viewed 29 July 2009,

Really Simple Stuff (Blogs and RSS Feeds)

Yes blogs, they allow people to express their views, converse topics or even discuss e-learning in the 21st century! Blogs have been around for ages, but only now have I created one for course I am currently doing (Managing e-learning). Blogs give you a feeling of ownership and community by posting your own views to an audience who will listen and also reflect on you work, giving you feedback and comments. Members can also be updated of new information with the use RSS feeds. RSS (Really Simple Syndication) are really simple to set up. You can create a Google Reader account here and to be informed of new content to a site, just click Add Subscription at the top left hand corner and enter the desired url. Each time the website makes a posting, you will be able to read and comment on it. Why don't you add mine? :)

e-Learning in the 21st Century

The 21st century have proven to be another step in further expanding the already growing internet, as many value the benefits it has brought fourth. It may have seen impossible to have a conversation "face to face" from the other side of the world, but technology and the internet have made this possible with the use of webcams and software like Skype. Students are also now able to study University from the comfort of their own home, with just a computer and an internet connection. Students will also get the same support as they would if they were in a classroom, with support from students and teachers on forums, Skype and chat. There are also many other resources the teachers provide to students including PowerPoint slides, links to websites, images and the use of video sharing sites such as Vimeo and YouTube .