
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Really Simple Stuff (Blogs and RSS Feeds)

Yes blogs, they allow people to express their views, converse topics or even discuss e-learning in the 21st century! Blogs have been around for ages, but only now have I created one for course I am currently doing (Managing e-learning). Blogs give you a feeling of ownership and community by posting your own views to an audience who will listen and also reflect on you work, giving you feedback and comments. Members can also be updated of new information with the use RSS feeds. RSS (Really Simple Syndication) are really simple to set up. You can create a Google Reader account here and to be informed of new content to a site, just click Add Subscription at the top left hand corner and enter the desired url. Each time the website makes a posting, you will be able to read and comment on it. Why don't you add mine? :)

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