
Monday, August 3, 2009

Lets Have A Picnik

As we become more reliant on the internet and we are always on the go, it would be more convenient if we just carried around NetBooks. But these have limited space, and limited power. So how do we fix this? Well you can just use the internet for storage, and use it for applications. Yes, the internet has provided everything we need, but is this more convenient and the way of the future? Well I went out to have a Picnik to find out.

Picnik is an online photo editing service, where you can add effects and apply text and stickers to images that you upload. The service has a lot of options but is not as good as an application like Photoshop or even free programs like The loading times are quite long, even with a 256kb internet connection, but the service is good for spicing up photos and is very easy to use. Here's an images I did using Picnik.

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