
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What's With WIKIs?

WIKIs allow for creation and editing of a website, allowing members to collaborate together and discuss hobbies and topics. One of the most famous WIKIs is Wikipedia, a free encyclopedia run by the community providing information on thousands of topics. WIKIs aim to involve the visitor in an ongoing process of creation and collaboration that constantly changes the Web site landscape(wikipedia 2009). WIKIs can also help students and teachers communicate, providing each other help and support for problems students may have in the classroom. Teachers and students can use Wikis to collaborate ideas for projects, and teachers can also provide resources for the students to download and study.

Creating a Wiki is very easy, and you can allow whether anyone can edit the content, or members only. To set up a Wiki, just go to a wiki provider like WikiSpaces and sign up. Check out my Wiki

Wikipedia, 2009, Wiki, viewed 29 July 2009,

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