
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Is your Mind Mapped?

Creating a Mind Map is very easy and you don't need any software to do so. By simply visiting the site, users can easily create a mind map that branches off into different areas. Mind maps are great to unleash creative thinking, linking thoughts to a central idea. The example I have created shows how the course I am doing (E-Learning) is linked together. This course encourages people to get involved with ITC's and use the various tools available on the internet. It also considers everyone's different learning styles, whether it is visual or logical. Collaboration should also be a part of every course, were students can use online sources such a forums to communicate with others.

Mind maps give an overall view of how different areas are linked to each other and is a good visual tool to which can also be used by teachers to engage students in their studies.


  1. Hello David
    As a learning manager I would try and use mind maps as much as possible. I think they are a very effective tool for chunking information into more simplistic terms which enable students to interpet and comprehend topics more easily. This tool would suit all levels of abilities and learning styles and enables the teacher to get the concepts across more effectively and efficiently.

  2. I agree that Mind Maps are very useful and have been used for a long time with "butcher's paper and nikko pens". Now that students have regular access to their computers having tools that allow then to create them on screen is fantastic. I would use this with both Mind Map (whatever your mind links together on a certain topic) and Concept Map (where you would expect students to recall and make realistic connections between specific facts in a particular context. The creative side of coloured textas can still be there with coloured fonts as well!
