
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Videos are Very Cool

Some people may say that videos are basically moving images with sound, but they are not, they are much more. Videos have provided people with plenty of information and techniques in a visual and concise way. They are another step forward in the internet, as you can watch someone explain how to set up an e.portfolio or blog, rather than reading it. Video sharing sites like YouTube are very popular because of this, and users can also share their stories and work they have created, adding a more 'involved' atmosphere with feedback and comments.

YouTube can help teachers to show students course work, and show them examples of what sort of work professionals do. It is also a very useful tool for getting your work seen by others. Here's a promo that I created for my local church.

1 comment:

  1. Hello David,
    Your blog looks great. I've enjoyed reading what you say as it's all written in a very informative and concise manner which makes it easier for me to absorb and is pleasurable to read. In addition to what you have already said are the benefits of videos from places like Youtube I would like to add that teachers can also learn from Youtube videos. For instance I found a video on how teachers could learn to develop peer and self assessment techniques to apply in their classrooms, so not only does it support students learning but teachers also.
